Fall always really brings out the camera with a vengeance. In the Ohio Valley we get nice overcast days, which is a great break from the harsh sun of the summer. So I decided to set out to Cherokee Park with just my macro lens and my flash. After I parked the car I headed towards the creek down by the soccer fields. I was happy to see that the small little trail just before the bridge had reopened. I started down my little chosen path looking not in the trees for intersting shots but on the ground. And low and behold I found this little gem.

First of all, I have not manipulated the color of this photo in any way. Its kind of surreal, such a vibrant little burst of color on this dreary day, so I had to shoot it. Kneeling in cold mud was not what I had envisioned really when this little adventure started, but it needed to be done. My settings for this shot were ISO 100, 1/500th of a second at f2.8. Shot from a Canon 100mm Macro f2.8. I really should have used a little fill flash coming in from camera right.
Then I proceded across the path out onto the field where there was a tree that was still in process of changing and this little beauty came about.
It was at this point an idea for a year long project came up in my head, but I'm going to keep this one a secret. At least for now.